Social network analysis is the study of relationships between entities, such as people, places, books, and words. By visualizing these networks, the researcher may discover new patterns in relationships.
Projects for inspiration
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (Carnegie Mellon)
Star Wars Social Networks (Evelina Gabasova)
Social network analysis TOOLS
Visualization and exploration software for making graphs and networks.
Visualizes personal networks and reveals key players. Maps and networks are easy to create from simple spreadsheets. Content may be laid on a geographic map.
Visualizes complex historical data for exploring relationships of things between time and space using content from spreadsheets. The web-based tool is a product of Stanford’s Humanities + Design Lab.
A web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts.
Annotate text, add tags, collaborate with others. Engage students with social annotation.
A social learning platform that instantly turns coursework into a social experience. Students can ask questions if they don't understand a concept and receive input from their peers. They may also comment on classmates' posts and express their opinions synchronously or asynchronously.